Terzini Maxandco Hero Desktop MAX&Co.


"The “Here we go again” collection came out of a desire to dust off memories of a period that irreversibly shaped my current taste.
Hip hop music, basketball and the essentiality of the iconic streetwear garments of the early 2000s inspired this collection”.

Terzini Maxandco Double Desktop 1 MAX&Co.
Terzini Maxandco Double Desktop 2 MAX&Co.
Terzini Maxandco Carousel Desktop 1 MAX&Co.
Terzini Maxandco Carousel Desktop 2 MAX&Co.
Terzini Maxandco Carousel Desktop 3 MAX&Co.
Terzini Maxandco Carousel Desktop 4 MAX&Co.

Terzini’s statements are absolute gems and are always directly linked to the garment on which they are applied, often overturning every expectation.

Terzini Maxandco Hero2 Desktop MAX&Co.


Pietro Terzini is an Italian artist who lives and works in Milan. His style ranges from digital art to fine art, passing through street art.
The heart of Pietro’s art is the contemporary world in which fashion plays a central role along with capitalism, consumerism and the concept of love in the era of social media.
In recent years he has collaborated with some of the most important brands in the world and has exhibited his works in Europe and the United States.

Terzini Maxandco Hero Spli Desktop MAX&Co.